What are the benefits of the upward-facing dog yoga pose. Makes your shoulders strong. Updog Up Dog Upward Facing Dog Benefits Modifications And Tips Upward Facing Dog Bikram Yoga Yoga Benefits Learn steps how to do Urdhva mukha svanasana. Upward Dog Pose Benefits . It also stretches your lower back muscles. This asana has several benefits including improving blood circulation strengthening the arms and back stretching the spine helping to maintain a correct posture and activating the muscles of the buttocks and hips. The Upward Facing Dog pose is found to improve the capacity of your lungs to hold the oxygen for a longer duration. Below listed are the benefits of Urdhva Mukha Svanasana that you can get after a regular practice. Usually a dog is seen in this pose shows the humbleness loyalty and love of dogs to their owner. It improves your posture. The upward dog yoga pose is basically maintained by the upper extremities or the arms. Upward Facing Dog opens the c...