The name of this asana comes from the Sanskrit word ekaone pada foot raja king kapota pigeon. This pose is quite challenging Yoga Asana which includes a good stretch of overall body especially core and back. I Am So Excited To Share With All Of You A Brand New Youtube Tutorial For How To Build Your Kapotasana Wi Easy Yoga Workouts Advanced Yoga Yoga Poses Advanced Ardha Kapotasana is derived from the Sanskrit word kapota meaning pigeon and asana meaning posture. Building Your Kapotasana . To exit the posture move slowly and carefully. In some styles of yoga its called the King Pigeon and in other just Pigeon. It helps a lot in the strength and flexibility of the. Now gently stretch your right leg in backward direction behind you. For Kapotasana it is necessary that your bowels and stomach are completely empty with an interval of at least four to six hours between your meals and exercise. Make sure your back leg is extended. The Eka Pada Rajakapotasana is also know...