Surya Namaskar provides a good cardiovascular workout. Begin sun salutation by standing at the front edge of your mat keeping the feet together in mountain pose. Your Easy To Follow Guide To Classic Sun Salutation B Beginner Yoga Workout Yoga Yoga Poses Sun salutation yoga is a series of 12 poses although youll find various opinions out there on how many poses should form the practise. Yoga sun salutation routine for beginners . Join your hands in front of the chest in prayer pose. When youre just beginning your yoga practice its important to take it slow be safe and enjoy the journey. However easy some super yogis make them seem Sun Salutations can be tricky for beginners. There is a successor sequence of sun salutation A in Ashtanga yoga called sun salutation B. Focus for a few minutes on the inner sun at your heart which is the microcosmic equivalent of the outer sun at the heart of our solar system. Exhale and bring the palms together in the prayer position in front of...